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Heavy in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+55 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bulkyfatheftyladenweightyAntonym: lightSimilar words: heavilyleaveweaveleave forleave outleave offleave alonebe availableMeaning: ['hevɪ]  n. 1. an actor who plays villainous roles 2. a serious (or tragic) role in a play. adj. 1. of comparatively great physical weight or density 2. unusually great in degree or quantity or number 3. of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment 4. marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness 5. usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it 6. (used of soil) compact and fine-grained 7. darkened by clouds 8. of great intensity or power or force 9. (physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight 10. (of an actor or role) being or playing the villain 11. permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter 12. of relatively large extent and density 13. made of fabric having considerable thickness 14. prodigious 15. full and loud and deep 16. given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors 17. of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought 18. slow and laborious because of weight 19. large and powerful; especially designed for heavy loads or rough work 20. dense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal 21. sharply inclined 22. full of; bearing great weight 23. requiring or showing effort 24. characterized by toilsome effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort 25. lacking lightness or liveliness 26. (of sleep) deep and complete 27. in an advanced stage of pregnancy. adv. slowly as if burdened by much weight. 
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31. Martha is wearing a heavy coat.
32. The water in his pack made it very heavy.
33. The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.
34. The vehicles got bogged down in the heavy mud.
35. The heavy traffic detained us for half an hour.
36. Heavy rainfall in the mountains caused the floods.
37. She puts heavy topspin on her serve.
38. She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck.
39. The heavy traffic was re-routed past my front door.
40. The teacher always imposes heavy tasks on us.
41. The heavy rain showed no signs of slackening off.
42. They have withstood heavy bombardment for many months.
43. He was clumping about the kitchen in heavy boots.
44. They were burdened with heavy taxation.
45. A heavy rain drenched the travellers.
46. The company endured heavy financial losses.
47. The weather was still very heavy and sultry.
48. Both sides had suffered heavy casualties .
49. New heavy industries were concentrated in narrowly restricted areas.
50. A heavy gold necklace hung around her neck.
51. A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
52. The ship foundered in the heavy seas.
53. I heard his heavy tread moving about upstairs.
54. Teachers are always complaining about their heavy workloads.
55. Crops were laid flat by heavy rainstorms.
56. Most air rage incidents involve heavy drinking.
57. I was almost choked by the heavy smoke.
58. My suitcase was beginning to feel very heavy.
59. These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load.
60. Heavy snowfalls brought traffic to a halt .
More similar words: heavilyleaveweaveleave forleave outleave offleave alonebe availableleave behindeavesdroppinghearheatheadheaphealwheatcheatheartcheaphealthhead uptheaterhead offtheatrehead forat hearthear ofhead onahead ofin the air
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